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Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Want to know how you can have beautiful furniture on a very small budget?

We all want nice, matching furniture in our homes.  A cohesive style throughout the house.  Unless your my husband.  Then your like, meh.  ;)

I like nice matching furniture with a cohesive style and color scheme.  However, I can't afford to just go buy a bunch of new furniture.  I would love to, but I have much more important things to spend my money on.  I came up with a solution.  I started going to Goodwill and other local thrift stores to see what they had available.  They had a lot of furniture but it was really ugly.  I mean really ugly.  

I know. Not the best picture.  Lol. :)

I paid $10 for two of these. Ugly huh?

Good thing I like to work on things.  

The total investment for two end tables was $25!!
That includes the cost of the tables and the material!

I went to Walmart and the Habitat for Humanity Restore and started to purchase supplies.  You can get a gallon of really good paint really cheap at the Restore. I mean like $5!!  I was really excited because I got Glidden Diamond 0 VOC paint that had never been opened for $5!  

If you don't have access to a Restore I still recommend this paint.  It is really good and goes quite a long ways.  I am very happy with it.  I used some of it on my cabinets and am able to scrub them down with no problems.

I picked up some other basic supplies like tape, nails, stain, brushes, etc and started picking up some pieces that I liked and restoring them and updating them.  The great part about this is if you find a great inexpensive piece but it won't work in your house you can still restore it and just sell it to help pay back the cost of the furniture you bought for your home.

Some really great places to sell your refurbished furniture are:
Local facebook selling pages
local stores that sell used furniture

You can even get artsy with it if you have artistic talent and sell it to a furniture gallery.


Disclosure:  This post contains affiliate links for products that I like to use.  These links help me to be able to continue producing these blog posts.  Thank you!!

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