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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Canning Food for Later Use

I know canning can seem really scary.  Especially if you have never done it before.

But, canning is a great way to preserve food that you can get at a great price or that is in season now for later use that would otherwise go bad.  I know what your thinking.  Couldn't I just freeze it?  Yes you can.  However, some things are better canned than frozen.  Like tomatoes.  Canned tomatoes are delicious.  Especially home canned.  Plus, the nice thing when canning is that you can control what goes in the final product.

I like to can items I can get at a discount at the grocery store.  Sometimes the reduced produce rack will be full of all or most of the items I need to make my homemade salsa.  Then I just buy it all up, go home, and make a big batch of my homemade salsa.  Then I just can it up for later use.  You definetly can't freeze salsa.  EWW!

Now  here is the secret.  

SHHH....just kidding.  Tell all your friends.

Go to the produce  manager and ask if you can get a bulk discount.  The worst he can do is say no.  When I asked my produce manager he cut me a great deal and I was able to can a lot of produce.

You can really save a lot of money this way.  I know that you're probably thinking that there is a huge expense associated with canning.  Pressure canner, jars, lids, and tools.  Plus there is the time involved.  But, if you look around and check Amazon you can find a good deal on canners.  Also, check thrift store and yard sales for jars.  Or you can get them on sale at the end of the season.  It can be a little costly in the beginning, especially if you just go out and buy everything.  But, if you take you time and build up your supply little by little, in just a little bit of time you will be saving tons of money by producing your own convenience foods.


This post contains affiliate links.  This is the product that I use and I added the link in case you were wanting to check it out.  Thank you for checking.  Your helping me to be able to continue posting all of my random knowledge and advice for your reading pleasure. ;)

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