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Monday, April 10, 2017

How To Feed A Crowd For Less

Lets face it.  It's tough to feed a lot of people in today's economy.  Grocery prices have gotten WAY expensive.

I have a family of six and a very low budget for groceries.

Today I am going to share what I do to feed my family good filling meals without having to spend TONS of hard earned money.

We are not on food stamps.  We could be.  We definitely qualify.  I think the only reason we are not on food stamps is because I have learned ways to save money at the grocery store.

Here is the basics.  I will go into more detail in future posts.

1. Your going to have to get over buying what you want.  All you need to buy is what you need.  If that means hamburger and pork chops cause that's whats on sale then so be it.  You can't stay on a low budget and eat steak all the time.  I'm not saying you can't ever eat steak.  I do eat steak, but I don't buy it when its $4 a pound or more.

I know what your thinking.  Steak for less than $4 a pound!!  I know that's not feasible in a lot of places, but I live in Montana and we have a great grocery store in my town that has really great sales all the time.  I can pretty regularly get petite sirloin steaks for $2.99#. :)

2.  Don't get hung up on brand names. Often times the store brand is just as good or better than brand names.  And many many times it is the same thing in a different package.

3.  If there is something that you use a lot of track the sales and find out when it usually goes on sale and stock up on it then.  I hardly ever pay full price for something that I use often.  If it's a fresh product and can be stored for long period for future use then do it.  It's worth the saving!!
Today at my local grocery store I scored a dozen large eggs for 69 cents!!  That's a really cheap healthy breakfast! :)

4. Cook at home!!
I can't stress this enough.  It is always more expensive to buy premade items, boxed items, and to eat out.  If you don't know how to cook then find someone who does and learn.  Watch YouTube videos.  Anything.  Just stop buying premade food and eating out so much!

These are some very basic things to start implementing.  Please feel free to leave a comment if you have questions.  I will be posting more detailed posts in the near future.


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