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Monday, April 17, 2017

How I Save on My Monthly Bills

We all have them.

I don't know about you, but I hate paying bills.  I can think of so many other things that I would like to spend money money on.  
Like camping. Or makeup.  I like shiny things, lol, but I have kids and responsibilities.  UGGG.  So, in order to be able to do fun things like camping with my family I had to find ways to save money on every day expenses.

Here are some great tips that I have found really help and that I use.

  1. Realize you don't need to have every channel available out there.  I cancelled our cable about 6 years ago.  Instead we bought a game system and signed up for Netflix.  My cable went from over $100 a month down to $8 a month.  I know I had the initial cost of the game system which was $299, but I recieved a $50 gift card when I bought it, and by cancelling our cable it paid for itself within 2 months.
  2. Call your internet company and ask if there is any specials that you are elligible for.  Many times they are authorized to give you special discounts in order to keep your business.
  3. Cancel your home phone and stick with your cell phones.  I mean seriously.  Do you actually use your home phone?  Most people have cell phones in this country.  Why double up and have twice the bill?
  4. Shop around for your home and auto insurance.  Check around, do the math, and get the best deal.  Plus, make sure you are getting your discounts.  Some companies give discounts for deadbolts, smoke detectors, security systems, multi policy, multi car, being close to a fire hydrent, etc.
  5. TURN OFF YOUR LIGHTS AND TURN DOWN THE HEATER!!  If your not in the room do you really need the lights on? NO.  Use a timed thermostat so that you are not heating the whole house when your not home.  This will save you a lot of money and is a really easy way to save money on your electric bill.
  6. Get rid of memberships you don't have to have.  If your not actually going to the gym do you really need a membership?  Or, can you babysit in the nursery in trade for a membership instead?  Think about the different things you belong to and decide if you actually use these memberships, or if it's something you can do without or trade for instead.
These are some of the strategies that I use to save money on my monthly bills. I hope this helps!!

Feel free to comment with any questions.


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